

Meteorological Service

Dan Hart Speak to the Chief
Meteorologist Dan Hart and
his team!

Get weather data for any location on the globe immediately with our superb API! Just subscribe with your email and start using minute forecasts, hourly forecasts, history and other weather data in your applications. For more functionality, please consider our professional subscriptions.

"One Call by Call" subscription plan

One Call API 3.0 is included to the “One call by call” subscription plan only, users pay for the actual use of the product. There are no limits on the number of API calls, but you can set API calls limit per day in the "Billing plans" tab in your Personal account.

Please note, that you do not need to subscribe to any other OpenWeather subscription plans to get access to the One Call API 3.0. Read more about this subscription plan in the FAQ.

Alternatively, we offer monthly One Call 3.0 packages that include fixed number of API calls under a fixed monthly price. Please contact us with description of your requirements to learn more.

One Call API 3.0

Make an API call to receive access to the various data:

Pay as you call

1,000 API calls per day for free
per API call over the daily limit


License for API: CC BY-SA 4.0 (Please note the ShareAlike principle) License for data and database: ODbL

For business users, we offer access to One Call 3.0 API on the basis of fixed-cost monthly packages and separate OpenWeather end-user license. Please contact us for details.

Professional collections

For professionals and specialists with middle sized project, we recommend our professional subscriptions. The Professional API collections include several products in each subscription plan. Unlike "One Call by Call" subscription, professional subscriptions have the fix price per month and API call limits (number of API calls per minute and number of API call per month).

The Professional API collections contain access to weather historical data, current and various forecasts. These collections also allows users to request weather maps and get weather data not only via API, but with other instruments.

Current weather and forecasts collection

60 calls/minute
1,000,000 calls/month
600 calls/minute
10,000,000 calls/month
3,000 calls/minute
100,000,000 calls/month
30,000 calls/minute
1,000,000,000 calls/month
200,000 calls/minute
5,000,000,000 calls/month

Current Weather

3-hour Forecast 5 days

Hourly Forecast 4 days

Daily Forecast 16 days

Climatic Forecast 30 days

Bulk Download

Current Weather

3-hour Forecast 5 days

Hourly Forecast 4 days

Daily Forecast 16 days

Climatic Forecast 30 days

Bulk Download

Current Weather

3-hour Forecast 5 days

Hourly Forecast 4 days

Daily Forecast 16 days

Climatic Forecast 30 days

Bulk Download

Current Weather

3-hour Forecast 5 days

Hourly Forecast 4 days

Daily Forecast 16 days

Climatic Forecast 30 days

Bulk Download (global cities)

Current Weather

3-hour Forecast 5 days

Hourly Forecast 4 days

Daily Forecast 16 days

Climatic Forecast 30 days

Bulk Download (global cities + ZIPs of US, EU, UK)

Basic weather maps

Historical maps

Global Precipitation Map - Historical data

Basic weather maps

Historical maps

Global Precipitation Map - Historical data

Advanced weather maps

Historical maps

Global Precipitation Map - Historical data

Advanced weather maps

Historical maps

Global Precipitation Map - Historical data

Advanced weather maps

Historical maps

Global Precipitation Map - Historical data

Road Risk API (basic configuration)

Road Risk API (basic configuration)

Road Risk API (basic configuration)

Road Risk API (basic configuration)

Road Risk API (basic configuration)

Air Pollution API

Geocoding API

Air Pollution API

Geocoding API

Air Pollution API

Geocoding API

Air Pollution API

Geocoding API

Air Pollution API

Geocoding API

Weather widgets

Weather widgets

Weather widgets

Weather widgets

Weather widgets

Uptime 95%

Uptime 95%

Uptime 99.5%

Uptime 99.5%

Uptime 99.9%

Special products

Meteorological Service

Our Meteorological Service is designed to provide tailored consultations and precise weather insights for a broad range of industries, ensuring you receive the exact information you need.

By request

Get a quote

Global Weather Alerts Push notifications

based on warnings from government meteorological agencies around the globe

By request

Get a quote

Road Risk API (advanced configuration)

This tool is specifically designed for logistics and delivery businesses to enable effective planning of the routes’ schedule and fuel consumption. It is flexibly configured to provide detailed weather information along the route with minute granularity, alerts, push notifications and forecasts for the destination point.

By request

Get a quote

Fire Weather Index API and Fire Weather Index map

Achieve a greener and safer future, avoid forest damage and reduce air pollution with this accurate service that is designed to help users estimate the current and forecast danger of fire.

By request

Get a quote

Global Precipitation Map - Forecast and historical data

Current, forecast and historical precipitation maps for the globe with 10-minutes data update

By request

Get a quote

Weather Maps 2.0 with 1-hour step

Forecast, historical and current weather maps for 14 different weather layers

By request

Get a quote

Solar Irradiance & Energy Prediction service

Historical, current and forecast solar irradiance data and solar panels power output prediction.

Solar Irradiance API

It allows users to get the solar data by particular location and calculate energy generation

  • GHI, DNI and DHI indices for cloudy and clear sky models
  • Current, forecast for 15 days ahead
  • 45+ years of historical data (from January 1, 1979)
  • Daily aggregation for every day with 1-hour and 15-minutes step detalization for specified day
  • Available by geo point (lat/lon coordinates), worldwide

per API call

Any location | No API call limits |


Solar Panel Energy Prediction

It allows users to get the particular solar panel output, based on the panel’s technical characteristics

  • Create unlimited number of solar panels for particular location with the desired specifications
  • Current, forecast for 15 days ahead
  • 45+ years of historical data (from January 1, 1979)
  • Daily aggregation for every day with 1-hour and 15-minutes detalization for specified day
  • Available by geo point (lat/lon coordinates), worldwide
per location/ month

Any location | No API call limits

Contact us

Solar Irradiance History Bulk

It allows users to receive historical solar data for chosen locations

  • Solar Irradiance History Bulk provides historical weather data for any location for 45+ years back
  • Data is available in 15-minutes and 1-hour steps
  • GHI, DNI, DHI indices for clear sky and cloudy sky models
  • CSV and JSON formats
  • Available by geo point (lat/lon coordinates), worldwide

per location
(3 years archive)

per location
(entire archive from January, 1979)

Contact us

Solar Irradiance History
Forecast Bulk

It allows users to receive previously made 16 days ahead forecasts on solar irradiance data for chosen locations

  • Archive of previously made solar irradiance forecasts 16 days ahead with 1-hour step (a 15-minute step by request)
  • Historical forecast is available from April, 2017
  • GHI, DNI, DHI indices for clear sky and cloudy sky models
  • CSV and JSON formats
  • Available by geo point (lat/lon coordinates), worldwide

per location
(3 years archive)

Access to the entire available archive is provided by request

Contact us

License for API: CC BY-SA 4.0 (Please note the ShareAlike principle)
License for data and database: ODbL

For business users, we offer access to Solar Irradiance API on the basis of fixed-cost monthly packages and separate OpenWeather end-user license. Please contact us for details.

Historical weather collection

History bulks

One-time export of historical weather data for any location

Historical APIs

Historical and statistical weather data APIs for any location
45+ years back
since January 1, 1979
7+ years back
since October 7, 2017
1 month back 1 year back By request
- - 5,000 calls/day 50,000 calls/day 150,000 calls/day

History Bulk

History Forecast Bulk

Historical API

Accumulated Parameters

Statistical Weather Data API

Historical API

Accumulated Parameters

Statistical Weather Data API

Historical API

Accumulated Parameters

Statistical Weather Data API

Free data for students

Developer plan for current weather and forecasts and Medium plan for historical weather collection are free for students and educators

The free access to our premium weather data products will be valid for 6 months after signing up.


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