Get weather data for any location on the globe immediately with our superb API! Just subscribe with your email and start using minute forecasts, hourly forecasts, history and other weather data in your applications. For more functionality, please consider our professional subscriptions.
One Call API 3.0
✔ Current weather and forecasts: minute forecast for 1 hour, hourly forecast for 48 hours, daily forecast for 8 days, long-term forecast for 1,5 years
✔ Government weather alerts
✔ Historical data for 46+ years back
✔ All weather parameters plus UV index, Dew point, etc.
Pay as you call
1,000 API calls per day for FREE
per API call over the daily limit
Please note that the subscription requires your bank card details
License for API: CC BY-SA
(Please note the ShareAlike principle)
License for data and database: ODbL
Monthly subscriptions for Current & Forecasts
We provide all data through auto subscriptions under an Open License, ensuring seamless access. Support is available via our Helpdesk, and dedicated managers are not included with this service.
600 API calls/minute
10,000,000 calls/month
Availability 95%
Weather data update < 2 hours
3,000 API calls/ minute
100,000,000 calls/ month
Availability 99.5%
Weather data update < 1 hour
30,000 API calls/ minute
1,000,000,000 calls/ month
Availability 99.5%
Weather data update < 10 min
100,000 calls/ minute
3,000,000,000 calls/ month
Availability 99.9%
Weather data update < 10 min
Special industrial data packages
With minimal assistance, you will have access to industrial data through an Open License. Support is provided exclusively via our Helpdesk, without the need for dedicated managers.
Renewable Energy
Wind speed on different hights
Data for key hub heights,
including 80m, 100m, and 200m
Solar Irradiance History Forecast Bulk
per location
(3 years archive)
Access to the entire archive - by request
Special products
Global Weather Alerts
Push notifications
Satellite imagery
Soil temperature and moisture
Our team will tailor our products and packages to perfectly align with the specific requirements of your company. Whether it's customized data formats, adjusting reports, or tailoring insights, our team ensures a seamless match with your business needs.
✔ Current weather | Forecasts | Historical data
✔ Weather alerts | Solar data
✔ Maps | Bulks
✔ 15-min weather data
(not for all parameters,
please contact us
for details)
✔ 15-min solar radiance
(not for all parameters,
please contact us
for details)
✔ SLA | License Agreement
✔ Data Protection Coverage
✔ Support | Personal Key Account Manage
Contact usOpenWeather Dashboard
Join our AI-powered weather dashboard for free and stay up to date with accurate forecasts, timely alerts, detailed overviews, meteorological reports and professional expert consultations for any location, worldwide.
✔ Forecasts for your locations
✔ Weather Maps
✔ Alerts
✔ Meteorological reports
✔ Expert consultations

Free Access
Current weather and forecasts
Free for everyone
60 API calls/minute
1,000,000 calls/month
Current weather API
3-hour forecast for 5
days API
Weather Maps -
weather, 5 weather layers
Air Pollution
Geocoding API
Current, Forecast and Historical data
for education
Free for students
Current & Forecasts data
3,000 API calls/ minute
100,000,000 calls/ month
Current weather
4 days
Daily Forecast
Weather Maps -
History, Current,
Forecast weather, 15 weather layers
Historical data
50,000 calls/day
1 year archive
History API
Weather Data API
Accumulated Parameters
Weather maps
We offer these products under an Open License, including custom repackaging options for Enterprise and more.
Precipitation Map API
History and
Radar-based maps that provide highly precise information on precipitation in the area
for any location on
the globe.
Current, Forecast (for the next 6 hours for the US territory and for the next 2 hours
for other global
areas) and historical data (10-minute frequency, last 2 days) are available.
Weather Maps 2.0
with 1-hour step
Current, historical (from September 2020) and 4-day forecast weather maps with 14 layers available including temperature, precipitation, pressure, etc.
Historical data packages
For custom repackaging requests and large orders, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us. Our team is ready to provide personalized solutions to meet your specific needs.
History Bulk
46+ years back
since January 1, 1979
History Forecast Bulk
8+ years back
since October 7, 2017
Online subscription
More than ever, our customer support team is at your side to answer all your questions and respond to your needs in the best possible way.
No-fuss subscription to our weather services
First, please create your account by signing up with your email and find an API key in the 'API Keys' tab of your settings. On the Pricing page, choose a proper subscription, click 'Subscribe'. Fill out a short billing form, check the details and complete your subscription. You can also subscribe from the settings page in the 'Billing Plans' section.
Policies you should read before you pay
Before you subscribe to our service, please read Terms and conditions of sale, Privacy policy, and Websites terms and conditions of use.
Payments we accept
We accept payments by credit or debit cards as well as payments made via bank transfer. You can pay with most of credit or debit card such as Visa®, MasterCard®, Union Pay®, American Express®, ApplePay®, GooglePay®, Link via Stripe®, Wechat®, Alipay+, Revolut Pay®. We accept bank transfer payments for premium accounts - Professional and Enterprise - and for long-term subscriptions. You can choose the way of payment in the subscription process.
Payments we do not accept
We do not accept cash or check payments.
Recurrent monthly subscription
You will be charged a fixed monthly fee based on the subscription plan you select on the “Pricing” page. In this case, the fee will be taken from your payment card. In your first month, you will be charged immediately after subscribing. The next payment will be a month later, and so on. The fee is subject to change, but we always notify you beforehand.
After receiving your payment, your API key will get activated and you will receive a confirmation email with API endpoints and guides.
Purchase invoices
You can find invoices and transaction history in the 'Payments' section of your
Note that you need to add your company information in the 'Invoice info' tab in your
personal account.
For bank transfer payments, our support team send invoices directly to your email. You can always contact us if you have any questions.
If you have to unsubscribe from our service
If you would like to unsubscribe, please log in to your account on our website, then use the “Unsubscribe” button opposite your active plan in your personal account. After cancellation your subscription will still remain active until the end of the month for which you have paid.
If you pay by manual invoicing and would like to cancel your subscription, please contact our support team.
If you have to delete your account
You can always delete your account in the 'Privacy Centre' section of your settings.
You can freely use our products and data for non-commercial or commercial purposes by crediting OpenWeather (TM) as a weather data provider in your product. We provide our products under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Data and database are open and licensed by Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
For the holders of the Enterprise license, we can provide service under individual conditions. Please contact us for details.
If you need exclusive service
We have a long experience of cooperation with corporative customers providing them with individual approach. If you are an Enterprise license holder you can request for expanded features, customisation, configuration of APIs, and more exclusive support. For more details, please contact us.
If you do not find answers to your questions about purchasing process, subscriptions, products, please look at our practical FAQ or contact our customer support team.
You can also explore yourself detailed and concise API documentation with real examples and of each API call and its responses.
Please read Terms and conditions of sale, Privacy policy, and Websites terms and conditions of use before you buy.