00:00 UTC {forecast solar irradiance for 1st day - 16th day}
06:00 UTC {forecast solar irradiance for 1st day - 16th day}
12:00 UTC {forecast solar irradiance for 1st day - 16th day}
18:00 UTC {forecast solar irradiance for 1st day - 16th day}
Solar Irradiance History Forecast Bulk
Product concept
Solar Irradiance History Forecast Bulk is an one-off export of previously made solar irradiance forecasts for any coordinates on the globe.
The archive contains a 16-day solar irradiance forecast with a 1-hour step for each day starting from April 2017 (a 15-minute forecast step is available by request). Please find detailed description in the "Product structure" and "Fields in Solar Irradiance History Forecast Bulk" sections.
Product structure
Solar Irradiance History Forecast Bulk provides a CSV archive of previously made 16 days ahead forecasts
on solar irradiance data. The dataset for each day includes 4 kits of historical solar irradiance
forecasts on 16 days ahead both for clear sky and cloudy sky models with 1 hour
step made on this specified date.
Solar Irradiance forecast is generated 4 time per day at these times: 00:00 UTC, 06:00 UTC, 12:00
UTC, 18:00 UTC. Historical solar irradiance forecasts are avaiable starting from April 2017. It means
that for each day, starting from April 2017, you will have four 16-day forecasts.
Thus, each day has the following structure:
The example of data can be found in the "Sample data and examples" section.
The detailed information about what technologies, algorithms, etc. are behind the Solar Irradiance History Forecast Bulk can be founded here.
How to get Solar Irradiance History Forecast Bulk
To request Solar Irradiance History Forecast Bulk for your locations, please contact us via email. We’ll prepare and export the data for you.
Fields in Solar Irradiance History Forecast Bulk
Forecast calculation time in Unix timestampforecast_dt_iso
Forecast calculation time in ISO formatslice_dt
Time for which the corresponding forecast part was calculated in Unix timestampslice_dt_iso
Time for which the corresponding forecast part was calculated in ISO formatlat
Latitude of the location,decimal (-90; 90)lon
Longitude of the location,decimal (-180; 180)ghi_cloudy_sky
Cloudy sky GHI - Global Horizontal Irradiance, W/m2dni_cloudy_sky
Cloudy sky DNI - Direct Normal Irradiance, W/m2dhi_cloudy_sky
Cloudy sky DHI - Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance, W/m2ghi_clear_sky
Clear sky GHI - Global Horizontal Irradiance, W/m2dni_clear_sky
Clear sky DNI - Direct Normal Irradiance, W/m2dhi_clear_sky
Clear sky DHI - Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance, W/m2
For Solar Irradiance bulk we can provide you with a customized set and fields order in the API response. Please contact us via email and specify your needs.
Sample data and example
Here you can find and download example of Solar Irradiance History Forecast bulk file in CSV format.
You can download sample of files History Forecast bulk in CSV format using link below:
CSVPlease find below an example of data in CSV format in tabular format.