Units in API response


Meteorological Service

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API response parameters with available units of measurement

Table below contains paramers, their description and units of measure for standard, imperial and metric systems of measurement.

Please note, that parameter names and their descriptions and data format of API responce may slightly differ from products documentation, but have the same physical meaning.

Parameter Description Standard Metric Imperial
dt Data unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
start Date and time of the start unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
end Date and time of the end unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
timezone Shift in seconds from UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
sunrise Sunrise time unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
sunset Sunset time unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
lat Latitude - - -
lon Longitude - - -
temp Temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
temp Accumulated indicator (only for Accumulated parameters) Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin
temp_min Minimum temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
temp_max Maximum temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
temp.day Temperature at 12:00 local time Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
temp.night Temperature at 00:00 local time Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
temp.eve Temperature at 18:00 local time Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
temp.morn Temperature at 06:00 local time Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
feels_like Temperature in account with the human perception of weather Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
feels_like.day Temperature at 12:00 local time in account with the human perception of weather Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
feels_like.night Temperature at 00:00 local time in account with the human perception of weather Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
feels_like.eve Temperature at 18:00 local time in account with the human perception of weather Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
feels_like.morn Temperature at 06:00 local time in account with the human perception of weather Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
road.temp Road surface temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
temp_record_min Absolute temperature minimum based on all historical measurements Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin
temp_record_max Absolute temperature maximum based on all historical measurements Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin
temp_average_min Average of all minimum temperature values Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin
temp_average_max Average of all maximum temperature values for this day Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin
temp_median The median value of the temperature Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin
temp_mean Average of all temperature measurements Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin
temp_p25 The first quartile of the temperature Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin
temp_p75 The third quartile of the temperature Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin
temp_st_dev The standard deviation of the temperature Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin
pressure Atmospheric pressure hPa hPa hPa
sea_level Atmospheric pressure on the sea level hPa hPa hPa
grnd_level Atmospheric pressure on the ground level hPa hPa hPa
pressure_min Absolute pressure minimum based on all historical measurements hPa hPa hPa
pressure_max Absolute pressure maximum based on all historical measurements hPa hPa hPa
pressure_median The median value of the pressure hPa hPa hPa
Average of all pressure measurements hPa hPa hPa
pressure_p25 The first quartile of the pressure hPa hPa hPa
pressure_p75 The third quartile of the pressure hPa hPa hPa
pressure_st_dev The standard deviation of the pressure hPa hPa hPa
humidity Humidity % % %
humidity_min Absolute humidity minimum based on all historical measurements % % %
humidity_max Absolute humidity maximum based on all historical measurements % % %
humidity_median The median value of the humidity % % %
humidity_mean Average of all humidity measurements % % %
humidity_p25 The first quartile of the humidity % % %
pressure_p75 The third quartile of the humidity % % %
humidity_st_dev The standard deviation of the humidity % % %
visibility Visibility m m m
speed Wind speed meter/sec meter/sec miles/hour
deg Wind direction meteorological
gust Wind gust meter/sec meter/sec miles/hour
wind_min Absolute wind speed minimum based on all historical measurements meter/sec meter/sec meter/sec
wind_max Absolute wind speed maximum based on all historical measurements meter/sec meter/sec meter/sec
wind_median The median value of the wind speed meter/sec meter/sec meter/sec
wind_mean Average of all wind speed measurements meter/sec meter/sec meter/sec
wind_p25 The first quartile of the wind speed meter/sec meter/sec meter/sec
wind_p75 The third quartile of the wind speed meter/sec meter/sec meter/sec
wind_st_dev The standard deviation of the wind speed meter/sec meter/sec meter/sec
clouds Cloudiness % % %
rain Precipitation volume mm mm mm
rain Precipitation accumulation indicator (only for Accumulated parameters) mm mm mm
rain.1h Rain volume for last hour mm mm mm
rain.1h Precipitation (only for One Call 3.0) mm/h mm/h mm/h
rain.3h Rain volume for last 3 hours mm mm mm
snow Precipitation volume mm mm mm
snow.1h Snow volume for last hour mm mm mm
snow.1h Precipitation (only for One Call 3.0) mm/h mm/h mm/h
snow.3h Snow volume for last 3 hours mm mm mm
pop Probability of precipitation % % %
precipitation Precipitation (only for One Call 3.0 minutely section) mm/hour mm/hour mm/hour
precipitation Precipitation volume mm mm mm
Intensity of precipitation mm/hour mm/hour mm/hour
Snow water equivalent mm mm mm
Intensity of precipitation mm/s mm/s mm/s
Freezing rain mm mm mm
precipitation.ice Ice pellets mm mm mm
convective Convective precipitation mm mm mm
accumulated Accumulated volume of precipitation mm mm mm
precipitation_min Absolute precipitation volume minimum based on all historical measurements mm mm mm
precipitation_max Absolute precipitation volume maximum based on all historical measurements mm mm mm
The median value of the precipitation volume mm mm mm
precipitation_mean Average of all precipitation volume measurements mm mm mm
precipitation_p25 The first quartile of the precipitation volume mm mm mm
precipitation_p75 The third quartile of the precipitation volume mm mm mm
The standard deviation of the precipitation volume mm mm mm
dew_point Temperature of dew point Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
snow_deep Depth of snow cm cm cm
uvi UVI index W/m2 W/m2 W/m2
radiation.ghi_cs Global Horizontal Irradiance W/m2 W/m2 W/m2
radiation.dni_cs Direct Normal Irradiance W/m2 W/m2 W/m2
radiation.dhi_cs Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance W/m2 W/m2 W/m2
components.co Сoncentration of CO μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3
components.no Сoncentration of NO μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3
components.no2 Сoncentration of NO2 μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3
components.o3 Сoncentration of O3 μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3
components.so2 Сoncentration of SO2 μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3
components.pm2_5 Сoncentration of PM2.5 μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3
components.pm10 Сoncentration of PM10 μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3
components.nh3 Сoncentration of NH3 μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3

Product list

In this section you could find list of products where choice of units of measurement is available and not applicable.

Products for which standard, imperial and metric units are available are collected below:

Please note, that for parameters related to precipitation, rain and snow only mm and mm/h as units of measure are available for standard, imperial and metric systems of measurement.

Please find below the list of products for which there are no units selection:

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