How to migrate from Dark Sky API to OpenWeather One Call API 3.0


Meteorological Service

Dan Hart Speak to the Chief
Meteorologist Dan Hart and
his team!

With our One Call API 3.0 you can easily migrate from the Dark Sky API and get free access to main weather data such as current weather, forecast and historical weather with only one call to the API.

Features of OpenWeather One Call API 3.0

  1. Free access and pay-as-you-call subscription

    One Call API 3.0 has its own, separate subscription that has a variable cost, in proportion to your actual use of the API. 1,000 API calls per day is included for free. Users can configure and limit their usage to ensure that they don’t make more request than expected. Read more on the pricing page and in the FAQ.

  2. One Call API 3.0 contains 4 endpoints and provides access to various data:

  3. Matching parameters of Dark Sky API and OpenWeather One Call API 3.0

    To match Dark Sky API parameters to the equivalent OpenWeather One Call API 3.0 parameters, please use this table.

How to start using One Call API 3.0

There are 3 simple steps:

  1. Sign up

    You will receive a welcome email that contains endpoints and instructions.

  2. Get API key

    On the account page find the "API key" tab and get the API key. Please use your API key in each API call.

  3. Call API

    • Getting current, minute, hourly and daily forecasts weather data{lat}&lon={lon}&exclude={part}&appid={API key}
    • Getting weather data by specified timestamp from 1st January 1979 till 4 days ahead forecast{lat}&lon={lon}&dt={time}&appid={API key}
    • Getting daily aggregation weather data by specified timestamp from 2st January 1979 till 1.5 years ahead forecast{lat}&lon={lon}&date={date}&appid={API key}
    • Getting weather overview with a human-readable weather summary for today and tomorrow's forecast, utilizing OpenWeather AI technologies{lat}&lon={lon}&appid={API key}
lat required Latitude of coordinates
lon required Longitude of coordinates
appid required Your unique API key (you can always find it on your account page under the "API key" tab)
dt required Timestamp (Unix time, UTC time zone), e.g. dt=1586468027. Data is available from January 1st, 1979 till 4 days ahead
date required Date in the `YYYY-MM-DD` format for which data is requested. Date is available for 45+ years archive (starting from 1979-01-02) up to the 1,5 years ahead forecast to the current date
exclude optional By using this parameter you can exclude some parts of the weather data from the API response. It should be a comma-delimited list (without spaces).

Available values:

  • current
  • minutely
  • hourly
  • daily
  • alerts
One Call API 3.0 documentation (complete description of API calls and parameters in API response, with examples).

Matching parameters

One Call API Dark Sky API Description
timezone timezone Time zone name of the requested location
Current weather
(parameters of current weather and weather data by timestamp are the same)
dt time UTC time zone
sunrise sunriseTime Sunrise time, unix, UTC
sunset sunsetTime Sunset time, unix, UTC
temp temperature Temperature. Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
feels_like apparentTemperature Feels like. Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
pressure pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
humidity humidity Humidity, %
dew_point dewPoint Dew point. Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
clouds cloudCover Cloudiness, %
wind_speed windSpeed Wind speed. Unit Default: meter/sec.
How to change units format
wind_gust windGust Wind gust. Unit Default: meter/sec.
How to change units format
wind_deg windBearing Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
weather.description summary Weather condition within the group.
Full list of weather conditions
You can get the output in your language.
Learn more
weather.icon icon Weather icon id. How to get icons
rain precipIntensity Precipitation volume, mm
snow precipIntensity Snow volume, mm
uvi uvIndex UV index
visibility visibility Average visibility, meters
Minute forecast for 1 hour
dt time Time of forecasted data, unix, UTC
precipitation precipIntensity Precipitation volume, mm
Hourly forecast for 48 hours
(parameters of hourly forecast and weather data by timestamp are the same)
dt time Time of forecasted data, unix, UTC
temp temperature Temperature. Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
feels_like apparentTemperature Feels like. Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
pressure pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
humidity humidity Humidity, %
dew_point dewPoint Dew point. Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
clouds cloudCover Cloudiness, %
wind_speed windSpeed Wind speed. Unit Default: meter/sec.
How to change units format
wind_gust windGust Wind gust. Unit Default: meter/sec.
How to change units format
wind_deg windBearing Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
weather.description summary Weather condition within the group.
Full list of weather conditions
You can get the output in your language.
Learn more
weather.icon icon Weather icon id. How to get icons
rain precipIntensity Precipitation volume, mm
snow precipIntensity Snow volume, mm
visibility visibility Average visibility, meters
Daily forecast for 8 days
dt time Time of data forecasted, unix, UTC
sunrise sunriseTime Sunrise time, unix, UTC
sunset sunsetTime Sunset time, unix, UTC
summary data.summary Human-readable description of the weather conditions for the day temperatureHigh Day temperature. Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
temp.night temperatureLow Night temperature. Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
temp.morn - Morning temperature. Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
temp.eve - Evening temperature. Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
temp.min temperatureMin Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
temp.max temperatureMax Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format apparentTemperatureHigh Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
feels_like.night apparentTemperatureLow Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
feels_like.morn - Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
feels_like.eve - Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
pressure pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
humidity humidity Humidity, %
dew_point dewPoint Unit Default: Kelvin.
How to change units format
clouds cloudCover Cloudiness, %
wind_speed windSpeed Wind speed. Unit Default: meter/sec.
How to change units format
wind_gust windGust Wind gust. Unit Default: meter/sec.
How to change units format
wind_deg windBearing Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
weather.description summary Weather condition within the group.
Full list of weather conditions
You can get the output in your language.
Learn more
weather.icon icon Weather icon id. How to get icons
rain precipIntensity Precipitation volume, mm
snow precipIntensity Snow volume, mm
uvi uvIndex UV index
visibility visibility Average visibility, meters
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