Current weather and forecast - OpenWeatherMap
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Hourly forecast

8-day forecast

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    One Call API 3.0

    Choose the subscription plan "One Call by Call" and get access to the various data for any coordinates with One Call API 3.0.
    1,000 API calls per day for free! Pay as you call.

    Included data Time
    Current weather Now
    Minute forecast Next hour
    Hourly forecast Next 48 hours
    Daily forecast Next 8 days
    Weather data by any timestamp 46+ years back - 4 days ahead forecast
    National weather alerts All available data
    Daily aggregation 46+ years back - 1,5 years ahead forecast
    Weather overview human-readable weather summary
    one-call api

    Use our Professional collections to get extended weather data for any coordinates on the globe

    For professionals and specialists with middle and large sized project, we recommend our Professional collections. They include either an extended data sets, or various tools for receiving and displaying data, etc.

    Called by:
    geographic coordinates, zip/post code, city name, city ID, number of cities (only in current weather and forecast APIs)

    Learn more
    Weather data

    Weather for any geographic coordinates on the globe

    weather data

    For each point on the globe, we provide historical, current and forecasted weather data via light-speed APIs.

    Minute-by-minute forecast

    Other forecasts:
    hourly (4-day), daily (16-day), 30-day climatic forecast

    Historical data
    with 46+ years archive for any coordinates

    Weather data

    Forecasted weather data

    weather data

    Detailed forecasts available by city name, city ID, geographic coordinates or postal/ZIP code.

    How to obtain


    A variety of subscriptions with various limits on calls/min, data availability, and service

    Weather data

    Historical weather data

    weather data

    Our technology Time Machine, has allowed us to enhance data in the Historical Weather Collection: historical weather data is now available for any coordinates and the depth of historical data has been extended to 46+ years.

    How to obtain

    Marketplace of prepared data sets
    (cities, zip codes, grids)

    On-the-fly bulks
    for customized lists of coordinates

    APIs (city-based, up to 1 year back; subscriptions with various limits on calls/min, data availability, and service)

    Weather data

    Current weather data

    weather data

    Access current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities! The data is frequently updated based on the global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations.

    how to obtain

    (subscriptions with various limits on calls/min, data availability, and service)

    Prepared bulks
    (cities, zip codes)

    Our new products


    Solar Panel Energy Prediction

    This product provides users with current, forecast and historical solar panel power output data based on the panel’s technical characteristics for any coordinates on the globe. In addition each response includes essential solar irradiation data (DNI, GHI and DHI).


    Solar Irradiance API

    This product provides users with current, forecast and historical solar irradiation data for any coordinates on the globe. It includes DNI, DHI and GHI indices for the Clear Sky and Cloudy Sky models.


    Global weather alerts via push notifications

    This product collects weather warnings from the major weather warning systems and presents them in a uniform and convenient data format. Push notification mechanism will allow to get timely notifications about severe weather.

    AI and satellite imagery

    Agriculture analytics

    Based on large amount of processing satellite and climate data, we provide analytical reports and detailed datasets for crop monitoring:

    • Crop map (soy, corn, wheat, etc.)
    • Recognised field boundaries
    • Vegetation indicies statistics by each recognised field
    • Climate data for regions and particular field
    • Soil and weather data
    Learn more
    AI and satellite imagery

    Agro Dashboard

    Dashboard is a visual service where you can easily work with satellite imagery and weather data for your fields. It is the visual demonstration of the data we provide through our Agro API:

    • New satellite imagery every 2-4 days
    • Historical satellite data archive
    • Vegetation indices and Historical NDVI chart
    • Current, Forecast and Historical weather data
    Learn more
    Weather maps

    Forecast, Current and Historical

    Using only one API call, you can get Forecast (for 10 days with 3-hour step), Historical, and Current weather maps.

    15 map layers include the most useful data, such as precipitation, clouds, pressure, temperature, wind, and many more.

    Interactive weather map allows you to watch for current temperature and weather conditions in your city or any other location on the interactive global map.

    Learn more

    14,000+ OpenWeatherMap weather API repositories on GitHub

    Find lots of workouts with our weather APIs on PHP, Java, Python, Go and many others on the Partners page together with 14,000+ repositories on GitHub

    View solutions

    Google Weather-Based Campaign Management with OpenWeatherMap API

    Run your advertising campaign with the OpenWeatherMap API through Google AdWords

    Read more

    Connect your weather station to OpenWeatherMap

    We are glad to invite you to join our network of private weather stations. Today we have more than 80,000 weather stations around the world.


    Get weather data for free for open source project

    We are happy to support open projects with open source code. If you need to make a large number of API calls and you have published your code on GitHub or BitBucket, please contact us and we will provide you with extended conditions.

    Contact us
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